Saturday, February 4, 2023

Free Expression

An integral part of being an American is the gift of freedom of speech. Our society thrives on being able to communicate their thoughts and opinions freely. Whether it be a personal opinion or different viewpoints, it is our right to speak our minds. There are several countries worldwide where citizens are not allowed to express their thoughts. Their governments silence them and often in unpleasant ways. Vietnam is one of the countries that does not allow freedom of speech. Their government has strict censorship laws that limit not only speech but also writing.  Internet access there is heavily censored and very closely monitored. This is entrapment, manipulation, and an awful form of control. Allowing citizens to speak freely allows local communities and governments to benefit from various perspectives and encourages growth, thus allowing for new development. It also creates an open dialogue where people can learn and evolve from new ideas. Without open communication, society will become stagnant and cease to develop, which would then lead to disillusionment and failure for our world to survive. 

Our government could encourage ways to enhance freedom of innovation by allowing innovation labs, an actual place where people could go to brainstorm ideas and collaborate. I like the idea of a society celebrating failures as seeing a failed idea as taking a risk and creating a culture where people aren’t afraid to take a chance at something new and different. It would allow for so much more freedom instead of fear in our society.

When it comes to the Eight Values of Free Expression, the one that resonates with me the most is the valuable act of Promoting Innovation. Freedom of speech allows for promoting innovation and creates an energized society. Having the right to speak ideas is a place where individuals can share and encourage dialogue and debate topics. Government entities can develop innovative policies, and businesses can brainstorm visions, and create and design new products, thus allowing communities to expand and grow in a positive direction. All of this allows citizens to take some risks, trying out new ideas while embracing creativity. This resonates with me on a personal level, as I am passionate about the creative arts, especially theater. I have been involved since my early teenage years and see that freedom of speech has a profound impact on theater arts allowing actors and their writers to create thought-provoking theatrical performances. These performances are truly the cornerstone for freedom of speech as they provide a stage for artists to express their opinions, talents, and their perspectives without censorship. Theater also has the ability to be educational by allowing the audience to connect to social, cultural, and even sometimes political issues. I so admire those that are willing to stand on a stage and speak their minds and act out what their hearts and souls are feeling confident in expressing. I am very grateful for the opportunity I have to promote innovation by being allowed to perform and express my creativity in the theatrical arts.

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