Monday, February 6, 2023

Concept of Google

The concept of “Google” was the inventiveness of two Stanford University graduate students. September of 1998 brought Larry Page and Sergey Brin to a moment of brainstorming and creating a search engine phenomenon. Now, one of the world’s largest and most innovative internet companies, Google includes Google Drive, Google Maps, Google Calendar, and many other internet options.

The history of this duo’s work is based on wanting to create a search engine that would provide accuracy and speed and complete a mission to assist in organizing the world’s immense amount of information floating about on the web.

Some names were awkward for this creation. “Backrub” was the original name. It is a reference to how the program analyzed the web’s “back links.” The word “Google” was derived from a spelling mistake and the mathematical term “googolplex,” which means the number one followed by one hundred zeroes.

The circumstances surrounding “Google” were seemingly unconventional. Their first server was made of Legos, and the first Google “Doodle” was  “a stick figure in the logo announcing to site visitors that the entire staff was playing hooky at the Burning Man Festival.” The company was quirky but had immense gusto. Their brick-and-mortar of the family garage quickly became too small as the early years brought engineers, an expansive sales team, and even a company dog named “Yoshka.” Their present headquarters, in Mountain View, California,  became home  and is now called “The Googleplex.”

The invention of Google changed the world through its incredible ability to allow people to access and utilize information. It has empowered individuals and given them the ability to stay connected in ways no one ever thought possible. Businesses are growing exponentially by having the ability to increase their online advertising platforms by reaching potential customers. Google has sparked innovation and created technological advances for our present-day and also for future generations. These technologies have allowed individuals to arm themselves with knowledge and worthy information. One of the ideas that have been utilized in enabling people is the ability to research medical information and arrive at a doctor’s appointment with knowledge about a sickness. Google has enhanced people’s ability to apply for a new job, given individuals the ability to rebuild car engines, and has even taught people how to cook a five-course meal for 20 guests. Google’s advancements have changed so much for so many.

Google changed how the world communicates. For example, Google offers a variety of different ways for businesses to sell merchandise. Online purchasing uses Google search engines to look up items for consumption. Customers can seek out almost any item from various websites from Google’s search pages until they find a business they like. Google also enables business messaging with “Google RCS business messaging.” This experience includes communication protocol between “telephone carriers and between phone and carrier, aiming at replacing SMS messages with a text-message system that is richer, provides phone-book polling, and can transmit in-call multimedia.”

Google is now providing an opportunity to eliminate spam by being a “gatekeeper.” This option will enable the individual receiving the call to determine whether the call is received is from a bona fide company. If it is, it will inform the listener of the topic. If the listener cannot receive the call, they can respond to the caller with a text. There is also an option with Google to use “Screen Calling.” This is all on the customer’s side, who is using a new phone app on Android. Google’s service actually screens the incoming call with a text-to-speech that will speak on the person’s behalf and then speech-to-text ASR to understand what the caller said, and it shows a transcript to the person. The transcript can then be read, and a decision is made to pick up the call or disconnect the line.

If, in fact, using Google has any negative effects, it would be called “digital amnesia.” This experience is titled “The Google Effect.” It is literally forgetting information that is available through search engines like Google. We, as users, are not committing this information to memory as we know it is unnecessary due to the fact that we can just “ask Google.”

Overall, Google is a dynamic technology company that strives daily to create solutions that enrich and enhance its user experience.

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