Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Privacy: Online & Off

    The Oxford dictionary states that “privacy is: the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.” The videos that I experienced watching were all explanations of how true privacy is now nonexistent. Technology has become so advanced that personal information is no longer private and social media has become a playground for everyone’s private affairs to be public.

    It is factual that much of our private lives are now easily accessible to the community police. Catherine Crump, a lawyer for civil liberties, states in her Ted Talk how license plates are being read by monitors on buildings and on highways which now detail where individuals travel to and from and who they are traveling with. Innocent people are being tracked, and surveillance is becoming a daily way of life. Andy Yen’s video explains how phone calls and emails are being monitored by the government. Internet servers are not private and can easily be monitored and exploited. Companies are building devices to listen to our daily conversations, etc. It is as if we are living in a science fiction movie. Family and friends can no longer have private conversations, and when they do, the content is transferred to our social media options for marketing and sales. It is a very bizarre and exploited environment we are now living in. I am much more guarded about when and where I share personal information, and when I do discuss private topics with my family and friends, I am sure to remove any phones or technical devices from the room.

    The government could safeguard the public by giving out more information by ensuring that businesses must disclose all privacy procedures and hold them responsible by maintaining loyalty to their stated rules. There could be regulations put in place before an individual discloses their personal information. Compliance laws need to be written and documentation implemented for anyone who is required to share detailed private information.

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